Friday, March 6, 2009

The Toyota Prius gets HIT with the UGLY Stick!

Yes the Toyota Prius already comes factory ugly. We are talking Pontiac Aztec ugly. But you don’t buy the Prius for looks right? There is no denying that the little Prius is the God of MPG! Well just when you though your fuel economy could not get any better; AutoLabo has a new aerodynamic body kit.

A little history first; the Prius has one of the lowest drag coefficients of any car today. What the heck is drag coefficient and why does this matter? Well obviously the faster you go the harder a car has to push against the wind, i.e. wind resistance. While the Honda Insight with its drag coefficient of 0.25 cut through the wind like a hot knife through butter, the bulky Hummer H2 has a drag coefficient
of 0.57 which obviously has a negative effect on gas mileage.

Well the 2004 Toyota Prius was just a smidge behind the insight with a 0.26 drag coefficient. Well the AutoLabo body kit lowers that drag coefficient even more; so much more that the Prius will gain 7 more miles worth of MPG with the addition of this kit! And at a price of around $2000 this body kit will pay for itself in no time.



Imee Rocks said...

lol. I like the Prius but definitely not for its appearance--I'm a big fan of green cars that can be fuel efficient at the same time. Though I think with a little pimpin' or something, a Prius can look pretty good.


gasburner said...

I heard somewhere that VW is putting out a car with a drag coefficient of 0.16

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Thanks for providing information car coefficients.

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Again Very useful info,

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The Motoring said...

One of the luxury car. Wonderful body shape.

Samuel said...

I love to drive the Prius but not for it's appearance or gadgets, Just for it's MPG, am a green freak, i love to drive, live in a good environmental friendly system.

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Anonymous said...

That sounds great. Really helpful thanks for the Article on mpg, Great job, hope we can expect more articles like this. All the Best