Monday, April 14, 2008

Mother Nature Stole My GAS!!!!!

Mother Nature Stole My GAS!!!!!

So I got up to go to work and my tank was completely dry. At first I thought that I had been to victim of a crime. Some sap had siphoned all my remaining gas out of my tank. After Beating and Interrogation everyone in the near vicinity (even the bum who does not own a car). I finally gave up and began looking into a solution to the problem.

I couldn’t decide between buying a pit-bull to guard my car at night (no he might chew up my tires), or should I attach my car to some live source of electricity (scraping off burnt skin is a pain), or should I just buy a key locking gas cap? None of the above. You see it wasn’t a human that stole my gas……no it was Mother Nature. Damn her!

Who knew that gas could evaporate? Not me. And if you do not tighten or if you leave the cap off altogether, then it’s like having money evaporate right out of your tank!!! According to the Valley Breeze: About 17 percent of the vehicles on the roads have gas caps that are either damaged, loose or are missing altogether, causing 147 million gallons of gas to vaporize every year.” So make sure you tighten your cap till you hear that weird clicking noise, or go out and spend $6.99 for a cap so you can throw out the rag you had plugging the hole, you lazy tweeker!

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